Welcome to Crosby Chapel
November 24, 2024
Sharing God’s Word
The Gideons
Yearly Update
Here is what’s happening at Crosby Chapel
Every Sunday, after service is “What would you say?”
Quick answers to hard questions. They meet in classroom 3,
And beyond the message in classroom 4
November 27th at 7:00pm is our Thanksgiving service, followed by a pie social. All pies are welcome!
***SIS information***
TODAY November 24th is Christmas decorating. Everyone is welcome to stay after service to help, lunch is provided.
November 30th at 10:00am is Ladies’ wreaths decorating, with refreshments provided by SIS. The cost is $25, sign up in the foyer. TODAY, is the last day to sign up.
Believe it or not, Christmas is coming FAST and so is Our annual Christmas dinner. This year it is December 6th. Put it on your schedule and sign up in the foyer.
We are looking for donations for the Awana Christmas store. New or gently use items that the kids can buy as gifts for others or for themselves. Item can be dropped off in the church office by December 10th. Thanks
On December 22nd during our 9:30 service
we will be presenting a Christmas play.
“The Christmas Movie Play”
You don’t want to miss it!
In the Library
Author: R.C. Sproul
Location: Classroom 4, “RC Sproul”
The Bible teaches us that God is holy, but what does that mean? The Bible also teaches us that we should be holy because God is holy, but what does that mean? In this classic book, R.C. Sproul explains what holiness is, how that relates to our lives, and how we can follow God’s command to “Be holy as I am holy.” The Holiness of God is easy to read while also covering very deep theology about who God is, so it’s a great start for deepening your relationship with God
Giving update
Monthly goal in 2024……$ 22,784.21
November giving to date.......$ 18,544.92
Year to date budget…... $ 234,677.36
Year to date giving…....$ 225,029.29
Remember you can give online at our website (contact Rokki for the password) or by mail.
If by mail send to PO Box 218, Seabeck, WA 98380
Prayer Chain Coordinator –
Melody Hanson at 360-830-4431 or e-mail to Crosbyprayers@juno.com.
Rokki Staub is serving as backup at rokkistaub@hotmail.com or 360- 830-4624.
Please call or e-mail to add your prayer requests
Crosby Chapel Information
Pastor Gary Wilderbuer – (360) 830-2327
Church Secretary -Rokki Staub
P.O. Box 218
Seabeck, WA 98380 (360) 830-4311
Office Hours: Mon. – Fri. 10:00 am – 2:00 pm