Vacation Bible School

August 5-9


August 5-9, all students entering Kindergarten-6th grade are invited to become SonForce Kids Special Agents.  Through music, stories, crafts, snacks, and skit, they will learn to Trust in God´s Plan, Unite with God´s People, Train for God´s Service, Follow in God´s Path, and Lead Others to God´s Promises.  The cost is $5 per student/$10 family cap, and scholarships are available. 

Register at the church when you come in. You can print and fill out the form before you arrive. 


Welcome to Kingdom of the Son.  We can’t tell you how excited we are to see all of your smiling faces!  


Please check out our Family Letter for more information.  And, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Leigh or Ursula.


Family Letter



Leigh Hampton                                            Ursula Hampton                       

360-204-0239                                               360-633-0539

operation christmas child

This year, Crosby Chapel VBS is happy to once again be supporting Operation Christmas Child as our Missions focus.  OCC sends shoeboxes around the world to students with personal hygiene items, school supplies, toys, clothing, and information about Jesus in the child’s own language.  Students can support OCC in the following ways:

     Pray for the program, and for the children who receive the boxes.

     Make a $ donation -- coins are welcome

     Bring in a pre-packed box

     Pack a box, in person, at Crosby Chapel


For more information about OCC, and how to pack a shoebox, check out this link.

Operation Christmas Child



Songs for the week will be posted here. Obtain the lyrics for each song by clicking on the "RESOURCES" link in the lower left corner of each song file.


Daily activities

Here you will find videos with stories and Sunday School Charlie along with a page of activities for you to enjoy. Come back each day for the latest updates. 

Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, we don't have our usual videos this year.

  • Monday - God listens

    Matthew 6:9-10  Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come.  Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. 

    Click the link below to get to today's activities.


  • Tuesday - God provides

    Matthew 6:11  Give us this day our daily bread.  

    More activities today. Click below.


  • wednesday - God forgives

    Matthew 6:12  And forgive us debt, as we forgive pour debtors. 

    It's Wednesday. Half way through VBS. It's going fast. Here is a link to more activities.


  • thursday - God protects

    Matthew 6:13  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

    Thursday's activities are up. Click below. One more day to go.


  • friday - god rules

    Matthew 6:13  For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.  Amen.

    Last day. Sorry it is over. But, here's the last activity page for you.


pie in the face

You know it's coming. But, you'll have to wait until the end of VBS to see what happens this year. This is what it looked like last year.